keep trying

On the 30th March 2021 I decided to do a lateral covid test because I had a sore throat. Normally I would have ignored this but because my children had Covid, I thought better. 
Unfortunately the test came back positive. I did feel very unwell and had a couple of days where getting out of bed was impossible. Luckily my husband did pretty much everything in the house. 

Fundraising was not far from the forefront of my thoughts. I had already delayed the walks to the 6.3.21 because of the original ending date of isolation. However my ending date for isolation is the 10.4.21. I decided that I was just going to have to push on and start the walking. The walking had to take place in my back garden. The last two days have taken place in my garden but I have not walked the full two hours solely. My family have helped with the walking as we split the time between us. 
The pain in my joints and muscles meant I wasn't fit enough to do it alone. I also have terrible fatigue, not helped by the fact I have been coughing during the night and I have sleep apnoea. Doing it as a group was actually really nice and still meant the two hour walking was completed. Even the cat joined in. 

 I made it into the local newspaper and the amount of interaction on the online paper was really lovely. It also resulted in a couple of donations from two ladies who commented. 
Bee sweets of Bridlington delivered their donation of a 3kg tub of sweets which was a mood booster and I thank them dearly. 

I have tried being more active on LinkedIn to try get my posts commented on and shared. In general this isn't taking off like I would like it too. I wanted this to work to raise awareness and my posts just aren't being liked. I've added posters; news articles; links, snappy written pieces.
However their is a lovely lady I have linked with who has been very supportive in commenting and sharing and has also donated, so thankyou to her.  

I have been disappointed by the response of some businesses who I have contacted regarding them donating vouchers for a variety of things. I understand that businesses may not feel this is something they want to do; but most of them except two didn't even respond. I suppose rejection is part of life.  I aren't one to give up though so I will continue trying to raise awareness and donations. 

I just feel I need to reiterate just how remarkable these award winners are and the challenges they have overcome are massive. Yet they have secured themselves a place at university. The recognition from the Helena Kennedy Foundation means a great deal. The mentorship is vital as well as the financial bursary that allows these adults to start as an equal, but this support is completely reliant on sponsors and donations.

To donate go to virgin money giving. In the search bar put Kirsty Young. I am the third one one, to the right of my picture it says Helena Kennedy. 

Fleeing war and persecution
Domestic violence
Sexual Violence
leaving care
mental health illness
long term health issues
no family or support network


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