Few Steps Closer

 So many good things have happened in the last twenty four hours. 

 I have walk route number one thanks to my lovely friend recruiting her fantastic husband. I am not very good with reading maps or recalling street names.  I just walk and know where places are and where I am going. The map drawing has been a massive help and its easily understanable. He worked out on average I will need to do four miles a day, which works out at twenty eight miles a week. I love the thought behind the drawing of the map and appreciate the effort that has gone into it. Only forty-nine more to go! 

I have been in my creation station the last few evenings, by this I mean on Microsoft word choosing borders, fonts and shades of purple. Several posters for the HKF display have been created which will be going up on Friday at East Riding College. The posters feature previous award winners and elements of their stories.
 Importantly I have located the gate keeper of the display boards and have been given permission to collect the keys Friday morning. I am very excited to do my display and will definitely be sharing a photo of it on my next blog. 

I have had contact from a Local news reporter who is going to write a story for the local Bridlington newspaper. I hope this raises peoples curiosity about the Helena Kennedy Foundation and results in more donations. How fantastic would it be if enough was raised to be able to sponsor another award winner. It would be such a special achievement and a magical moment. 

The pink ladies have arrived; I am so happy to have received these jackets today! I and my guest walkers will proudly wear them for such a wonderful cause. I want to say a big thankyou to those who have donated to date. 

Thankyou for reading the blog. Feel free to comment and share.



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