Teamwork makes the Dreamwork

They say that 'teamwork makes the dreamwork' and I am a very lucky person with the team I work with at East Riding College. I was sat in the bistro yesterday morning, a cup of coffee in hand discussing my ideas and goals for Kirsty's 50 walks to success.
I  listened to all the offers of support and the ideas coming from my friends, it occurred to me that  the focus of the charity meant a lot to others too. I listened as friends bounced ideas to each other.  

Sharon an Learning Support Advisor reached for her phone and typed into google high vision jackets. You may be thinking how does that connect to the fundraising. She had the fantastic idea of having the Helena Kennedy Foundation (HKF) on the back of the jackets, it was such an original idea. The public will see the bright pink jackets, and will notice the charity we are walking for. Sharon pressed the confirm button, the gesture was so kind and motivating. 

Support continued as the colleges Learner Coach Sarah mentioned a local business who could print the HKF logo on  the jackets for us. I was so excited by that idea,  all we had come up with was a permanent marker job!! 

You may have noticed I previously mentioned 'we' when referring to the  walking. During the day I had several staff who suggested that they would  walk with me on different occasions, a bit like a guest walker. How wonderful other friends from a variety of  teams  within the college were wanting to show their support to the cause and to me. The enthusiasm and energy surrounding the whole concept was electric and as such the ideas continued. 

"We need a display" I blurted out. It is going to be in the foyer so learners and staff can read about the previous award winners and their amazing achievements. They can read for themselves the success stories and in a indirect way it maybe the display that inspires future award nominations. This is now under construction and I will be very excited to show you photographs once it has been done.

My phone went ping and it was Shahida from the HKF she had created this poster and it most certainly will be displayed within  my area and around the college. 
Donations have been coming in already and that makes me ecstatic. To those people who have donated thankyou so much. You will have helped make a positive impact in someone's life.

                 I will close this blog as I started it and say 'teamwork makes the dreamwork'. 


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