Ten days of isolation but the campaign continues

This blog really is a mix bag of news; from positive developments and ideas, through to a unavoidable and  disappointing situation. I will start with the latter first, therefore ending on better vibes. 

Both my sons attend Secondary School; during the last week, three year groups had been sent home because of positive covid tests.  Yesterday I asked my youngest son to take a covid test as he had developed a sudden cough. The test came back positive and to be certain he took another which provided the same result. By the end of the day my whole household had been tested with three people having tested positive ,the household was in a state of shock. We are now in full isolation for ten days. 

This means that the original launch walking date has had to be postponed until the 6.4.21. The amount of anxiety and guilt I felt was just awful. I  felt that in some way it would influence the effectiveness of my fundraising in the long run negatively. The guilt was because the donations to date have been incredible and I felt I would have let people down. I have come to realise there was nothing I could have done to have prevented this.
I contacted the PR lady at East Riding College who was really supportive, she said she would inform the local papers and press. I posted on my Facebook group, I did this as some staff from college were going to join me on the launch walk. 

Now to the more positive aspects; last week I had a TEAMS meeting with a lovely guidance officer from  East Riding College. Together we came up with the main points and details for a letter we are going to be sending out to local organisations and  local businesses. It explains that I am a previous HKF winner, and what the foundation does. The letter provides information about the fundraising campaign 'Kirstys50walkstosuccess'  and the aims. It invites the organisations and businesses  to consider providing a donation. 

The Next day I had a working lunch with one of my colleagues who also has a Body Shop business. I had approached her asking if it would be possible for me to purchase a body shop surprise bag and for her to raffle it off. Her offer of support was more than I had imagined. From sales of  popular items she is going to put a percentage of that towards my fundraising. In addition to this she is going to raise awareness of the HKF on her business  page. 

I had asked my husband to see if his work place would be happy for him to take in a raffle card to raffle off some sweets.  He had made his manager aware of the work that the Helena Kennedy Foundation do. The response was fabulous he has been given permission to have raffles every week. This is now going to become a regular activity in order to try raise additional funds. I will also be raffling gift cards and gift vouchers for a variety of things within my Facebook group. 

I have said throughout some of my blogs that the Foundation are very supportive.I had contacted Shahida the Operations Manager at the foundation over messages and explained why the change in the launch date. Straight away she phoned me, she was so reassuring and supportive of me. In that moment that was what I needed. 
I had also received a wonderfully encouraging and complimentary message from Dr Ann Limb. The message really gave me a uplift in mood. 

Every donation is very much appreciated, together we can do magical things.



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