
Showing posts from March, 2021

Ten days of isolation but the campaign continues

This blog really is a mix bag of news; from positive developments and ideas, through to a unavoidable and  disappointing situation. I will start with the latter first, therefore ending on better vibes.  Both my sons attend Secondary School; during the last week, three year groups had been sent home because of positive covid tests.  Yesterday I asked my youngest son to take a covid test as he had developed a sudden cough. The test came back positive and to be certain he took another which provided the same result. By the end of the day my whole household had been tested with three people having tested positive ,the household was in a state of shock. We are now in full isolation for ten days.  This means that the original launch walking date has had to be postponed until the 6.4.21. The amount of anxiety and guilt I felt was just awful. I  felt that in some way it would influence the effectiveness of my fundraising in the long run negatively. The guilt was because...

A cocktail of kindness and productivity

Hello All Progress has been fabulous and the generosity of others has been wonderful.  I contacted one of my friends, her son has a confectionary business called Bee Sweet.  I wanted to purchase a 1kg tub of sweets to raffle off. I thought it would be a popular concept amongst staff to raffle  off a big tub of sweets, so I also purchased some fun Disney scratch cards for the raffle too.  The response I received was not expected but so lovely. The young business owner donated a large 3kg tub of sweets for free. He went further than this an stated that he would donate a percentage of all his sales; such a generous thing to do.  I felt humbled by his kindness as I have never met him before. A friend of mine has recently started  a  new business called Craftee-Monkee Handstamping. I contacted her, she was happy to help and agreed to raffle off a personalised set containing a bracelet, necklace and keyring on her business Facebook Page. Both businesses are...
                       Coming on nicely                                                                                                        Yesterday (12.3.21)  I woke up with the focus of getting to work early to collect the key for the display board . The day was particularly busy meaning that I had thirty minuets to get the board done because of my work schedule with classes and meetings.  I have to admit I am a planner and so the process really had started the previous day. I had been in most of the staff rooms asking staff to give me  some edging for the display. It was wonderful that I eventually found a department willing to provide me with the edg...

Few Steps Closer

 So many good things have happened in the last twenty four hours.   I have walk route number one thanks to my lovely friend recruiting her fantastic husband. I am not very good with reading maps or recalling street names.  I just walk and know where places are and where I am going. The map drawing has been a massive help and its easily understanable. He worked out on average I will need to do four miles a day, which works out at twenty eight miles a week. I love the thought behind the drawing of the map and appreciate the effort that has gone into it. Only forty-nine more to go!  I have been in my creation station the last few evenings, by this I mean on Microsoft word choosing borders, fonts and shades of purple. Several posters for the HKF display have been created which will be going up on Friday at East Riding College. The posters feature previous award winners and elements of their stories.  Importantly I have located the gate keeper of the display boa...
Teamwork makes the Dreamwork They say that 'teamwork makes the dreamwork' and I am a very lucky person with the team I work with at East Riding College . I was sat in the bistro yesterday morning, a cup of coffee in hand discussing my ideas and goals for Kirsty's 50 walks to success. I  listened to all the offers of support and the ideas coming from my friends, it occurred to me that  the focus of the charity meant a lot to others too. I listened as friends bounced ideas to each other.   Sharon an Learning Support Advisor reached for her phone and typed into google high vision jackets. You may be thinking how does that connect to the fundraising. She had the fantastic idea of having the Helena Kennedy Foundation (HKF) on the back of the jackets, it was such an original idea. The public will see the bright pink jackets, and will notice the charity we are walking for. Sharon pressed the confirm button, the gesture was so kind and motivating.  Support continued as the ...

Ready Steady Go!

                                                                                                       Ready Steady Go!!!                                                       The focus of my blog is to share my fundraising journey 50 walks to success, which I hope you will follow. I aim to blog everything from the beginning, the end, and everything in between. I am sure there will be very entertaining times and others that will test my stamina. I suspect my sense of direction will be tested but isn't that what google maps is for? Most of all I hope it will be a uplifting read and one that might ins...